It's been a while...

since I last wrote a blog entry.  Here's a quick update on what's been going on.​

I upgraded to the Canon 6D.  It has so far been the biggest jump I've made equipment-wise since I was using the entry-level T2i for a year and a half.  The full frame world has done wonders for my photography, and I'm excited to do some engagement and family shoots with it.​

I've been contacting music magazines and blogs to see if they'd like to take me on as a photographer.  I heard back from, and I will be covering a few acts for them over the summer.  The thing about photography, especially as an amateur, is: you can't wait for people to hire you, you have to go out and find work on your own.  ​

I thought there'd be more, but I'm coming up empty.  So there ya have it.  Hopefully there'll be new shoots to blog soon!​